Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can anyone tell me if there are any online tutorials to learn Adobe Photoshop?

I'm interested in digital photography but want to learn to clean and spruce up my images to make them look better... Got the Photoshop software but not quite sure how to use it..Can anyone tell me if there are any online tutorials to learn Adobe Photoshop?
When you turn Photoshop on it should give you the option to 'learn the basics' in the form of a tutiorial. It talks you through various skills.Can anyone tell me if there are any online tutorials to learn Adobe Photoshop?
lynda.com has AWESOMe tutorials some are in macromedia flash so just play and draw along. she also gives u the photos used in the tutorials so u can practice.
I use Atomic Learning. It is really a clear, step by step, tutorial.


It is inexpensive and much clearer than the free one I tried!

God bless-
A lot of what you will learn will be from real time experiments by you... The manual is a major tutorial... try doing it chapter by chapter... then you will know more than a lot of pros. You can use this Q%26amp;A forum to answer more specific problems you run into.

www.photoworkshop.com has tutorials on different projects as well as the basics. On the left side of the page, choose Adobe training arena and then digital imaging room. Open each tutorial individually. IT IS FREE!!

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