Friday, January 8, 2010

What are the BEST VIDEO TUTORIALS for the entire Adobe Master Suite CS3?

I am a college student in Chicago, IL, studying web design. The problem is that my professors are taking too long on getting through the books. What are the BEST VIDEO TUTORIALS for the entire Adobe Master Suite CS3? Can someone please help me???What are the BEST VIDEO TUTORIALS for the entire Adobe Master Suite CS3?

They have EVERYTHING!What are the BEST VIDEO TUTORIALS for the entire Adobe Master Suite CS3?
First answer is absolutly right.

Pirated copies of videos tutorials are all over the web, not that I would suggest using pirated anything. It's naughty. Quite how these pirated videos are available on sites like is beyond me.

It should be stopped!!

Having actually purchased 3 of her videos some years ago (on tape!!) I can tell you they are very good.

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